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3C Matrix, 8 Bridgeway Precinct, Century City, Cape Town, 7441, South Africa

We are product marketers

Conversions in marketing and sales depend on a good story. Using our decades of experience in tech, coupled with deep market research, we formulate your effective Positioning & Messaging Framework (PMF) for your company and core products.

What comprises product marketing?

The core elements of the product marketing workflow are contained below.

Product Marketing Workflow

Why not sell a product as-is?

A USP or positioning statement is based squarely on what the customer wants. There’s a difference between a provider’s core product and what the market will rapidly buy. Nike factually makes polyester t-shirts (core product) but the target market desires specialist “performance apparel.”

Product marketing is mainly concerned with packaging services around the product to make things simpler and more convenient for the buyer. When we have to actually adjust the core product itself, this falls outside the domain of product marketing and into product management.

Why not sell a product as-is?


A USP or positioning statement is based squarely on what the customer wants. There’s a difference between a provider’s core product and what the market will rapidly buy. Nike factually makes polyester t-shirts (core product) but the target market desires specialist “performance apparel.”

Product marketing is mainly concerned with packaging services around the product to make things simpler and more convenient for the buyer. When we have to actually adjust the core product itself, this falls outside the domain of product marketing and into product management.

What does this have to do with a USP?

A USP is inextricably linked to process-optimisation – it artfully & efficiently describes the final product that has been “enhanced.” The use of technology is incidental to actual process-optimisation – it makes a lot of things possible that otherwise would not be.

A good USP describes how you are different to how you make things convenient for the customer. It needs to show that you are thinking about the customer and paying attention to even subtle needs. A power USP emerges when it reveals genuine care and attentiveness for the customer.

Designing a USP is all about using creativity to give the customer additional, differentiated value, that can then be conveyed in a creative way. This step comes down to figuring out what else can be done for the customer.


What does this have to do with a USP?


A USP is inextricably linked to process-optimisation – it artfully & efficiently describes the final product that has been “enhanced.” The use of technology is incidental to actual process-optimisation – it makes a lot of things possible that otherwise would not be.

A good USP describes how you are different to how you make things convenient for the customer. It needs to show that you are thinking about the customer and paying attention to even subtle needs. A power USP emerges when it reveals genuine care and attentiveness for the customer.

Designing a USP is all about using creativity to give the customer additional, differentiated value, that can then be conveyed in a creative way. This step comes down to figuring out what else can be done for the customer.

How does Blacfox go about working toward a PMF?

We have reordered McCarthy’s ten steps to methodically arrive at a compelling PMF.

Blacfox Positioning and messaging framework (PMF) process

How does Blacfox go about working toward a PMF?

We have reordered McCarthy’s ten steps to methodically arrive at a compelling PMF.

Many good uses of a PMF

Many good uses of a PMF

Let’s make that a reality

Let’s make that a reality
